Why is it when you're having fun, time flies by so fast?
Andrew came down the coast on Friday after work to a Mexican Feast that was yuuuuuuuuuuumy made by Tessa's wonderful Panda (aka her grandmother). We then followed dinner by a game of poker. I lost, because: well I'm not too good at the game! Also my parents play poker in town like 4 nights a week so they have the game sorted. Panda won easily by a long shot!
Saturday found us getting up early with a big breakfast followed by taking items to my storage unit and pretty much playing Tetris in there to fit all the extras in. We could of picked a cooler day to do so, I was standing trapped in a corner trying to stack boxes and boy was it hot in there.
For the rest of the day we played with Tessa and just relaxed in the cool of the house. Tessa played broom broom cars!
Come Sunday, we made pancakes for breakfast which Tessa didn't seem to enjoy...but she did enjoy constantly saying "cheers" and knocking our glasses together...this is her newest and cutest trick.
We then went to the Botanic Gardens for lunch and a play around. Tessa enjoyed her own lunch as well as a bit of ours too! She also enjoyed the sandpit...the sand was everywhere.
Oh and because we had a such a loooooong weekend, Teddy fell asleep on the couch while Tessa watched ABC...it was so cute!
And because I am one lucky girl, Teddy got me this piggy which I named Spencer. But it has to stay at his house...no fair! But I guess I do have one too many piggies already in my room so it's only fair he needs to start filling his room with pigs haha!
Peanut xxx
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