So this occurred over the weekend...but in this real life scenario I was playing the role of Ben Stiller and thankfully no one found out that my real name is Gaylord (shhh don't tell anyone!)
Looking back, I'm not sure why I was so anxious to meet them; they were incredibly nice and funny! The night before I was making constant outfit changes to wear the 'perfect' outfit to meet them. I'm sure Andrew was sick of it by then haha but I finally decided on something (which I changed last minute in the morning) and then continued to pack my bags...yes, that was a plural! For two nights I needed two bags. It must be a girl thing, but I NEVER know what to wear that I must have various options. You never know if it will be hot or cold, how your body will feel, how you will feel. There are numerous factors that straight men should just NOT question.
After packing all but my toiletries (because duh! I needed them in the morning!) I headed into the kitchen to whip up some domestic goodness. I wanted to impress them so much, that Andrew and I even brainstormed the weekend prior as to what cookies they would enjoy. We settled on Jam Drops.
They actually turned out quite well, and judging by my dads reaction: he approved the taste test! haha
The following day I drove over to Canberra and waited patiently for Andrew to finish work: aka window shopped and tried to look invisible in his shop while customers came in-one even started to ask me questions about stock...I had no clue but pointed them in the right direction (to Andrew!)
The drive to his parents place was about 2 hours all up. I knew they lived on a farm, so I was prepared for that...but when we pulled into their driveway I couldn't hold back my tears. Lame, I know! You see, I guess it was all the anticipation, excitement, nerves just finally coming out. That and the fact that when we pulled in, all I could see was this splendid garden. Granted I couldn't see much being night time, but it was this instant beauty that consumed me and took my breath away. It was perfection right in front of me.
His parents came outside to greet us and as I mentioned earlier: they were super friendly (no polygraph testing on this Gaylord Focker!)
I had a quick tour of the house and was blown away by the vintage and obvious passed down beautiful pieces in the family...I learned that the house was built at the end of WW2 by his dad's side of the family and I was lucky enough to spend the night in the spare room which was once home to Andrew (before he moved into a bigger room) as well as his dad and uncle when they were young lads. It felt kind of special to be in there: and dare I mention how COMFORTABLE the bed was? Well, oh was heaven.
The following morning I woke to enjoyed some yummy granola type muesli in such a pretty bowl that I got kind of excited and started instagraming right away!
While I enjoyed breakfast, Andrew and his dad did their sports betting for the day (it was Saturday after all!) and I then got ready for the day.
We had learned the night before of a fate/festival type event that was on in town to celebrate 100 years of the Red Cross, so we decided to go across with his mum (his dad stayed home with his form guide: like I said, "Saturday" haha)
First stop was by his grandmother's place. The whole house inside was painted this pale pink, the same colour I had my dining room painted when I lived in Sydney. It was awesome! She had the most beautiful roses by her window sill that had this pure and fresh fragrance. So of course I snapped some photos ;)
At the fair was numerous horses, singing, cake stalls etc.
There was even a BBQ of course, and a pig on a spit which despite me being a vegetarian: I couldn't stop looking at the poor thing. I just felt so sympathetic for the being.
I would say the highlight of the visit to the fair would be seeing Mr Darcy...
Well he looked like Mr Darcy haha. He is a Lord of Scottland, who married a lady from the town. Oh and he was wearing a top hat. I joked to Andrew "Why am I with you and not with him?" when I found out he was a Lord. Of course he knew I was joking!!! Also, hands down: best accent!
Later that day Andrew took me on a tour of the grounds. Did I mention there is 1000 acres? Forget Pooh's hundred acre wood!
The most memorable part was when we visited their personal cemetery with a ruined Church.
The most memorable part was when we visited their personal cemetery with a ruined Church.
Looking inside the run down Church with no roof was beautiful. It was as nature had taken its course and brought life to the dwelling. Looking inside from the windows was luscious grass that was feeding on natural light: it was like an open courtyard, all that was needed was for some flowering plants to be scattered inside for it to be even more picturesque (if even possible).
Looking in through the caved in doorway, I couldn't help but feel blessed to be here. It was like I could feel the presences that entered these doors many years ago as if it was yesterday.
Here is the gateway to the cemetery.
For those that know me, you may know that I have a 'gift' in sensing things. You may not believe in it but what I experienced next when I entered was so overwhelming yet peaceful that if you felt it: you would certainly believe in spirits, ghosts, God? I'm not sure. You would believe in something!
I followed Andrew into the cemetery, focusing carefully on stepping directly where he once stood and being careful not to step over anyone's grave. He introduced me to his late grandfather and went on to talk a little about him. There was I think seven or eight graves maybe in there? All of relation. I instantly felt a profuse feeling of love and happiness rush around me and as if it was pulsating into my blood. At the same time I felt great amounts of pain and suffering rush over me. I could feel them standing there beside us. It was one of the most intense spiritual experiences I have ever been
I could not stop the tears, Andrew must of been so worried...but I could just feel them, it was as if they were their tears coming out of me. Tears of joy, happiness, peacefulness, sadness, pain, regret, love. It was like I was feeling so many emotions in one second. It wasn't overbearing though, I was happy to stay in there and experience it.
Once we left the gate, the crying stopped and I couldn't feel them any longer. It was truly beautiful and something I will never forget.
Later on we just hung around while they did their sport stuff still (Saturday sport is allllll day it seems haha), and we later on went out to dinner in Cootamundra.
Dinner was lovely, I got to meet Andrew's godfather and his wife. We had an amusing dinner and thanks to two glasses of wine, I was able to be myself and open up. I lie, it wasn't just the wine. They all made me feel welcomed and at ease. It's great how easy it is around them all!
Andrew's godfather actually owns an orchard and provided this luscious fruit: oh yum!
The following day was a pretty lazy day (especially since it was home time after that and we had to pick up Tessa).
Here are some scenery pictures from the back of the property to get an idea of the views:
Oh and I also used a tractor and didn't crash!!!! GO LOUISE GO! Mind you I was only in second gear driving at like 2km/ph
So hopefully when our parents meet for the first time it won't be like 'Meet the Fockers' and end up like this...
But if it does, it'll make a funny story to tell to the grandkids :)
Peanut xxx
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