
Thursday, 20 March 2014

Domestic cake mix?

Yep, I love baking :) And normally, I'm a from scratch kind of guuuuurl...but for $3 for a box of cake mix, I couldn't resist to try them out. Especially after last week I made brownies from a cake mix and they turned out delish too!!!

So using a Coles Home Brand, I whipped up these beauties this morning while Tessa commentated the event; for when Bear arrives tonight. I tried one (ok I tried two) and they were delish! Only tiny but tiny is good!

And thanks to Marie Antoinette:

I must admit the icing was the best part...I made it too liquid-y by accident, so I added soooo much more icing sugar and it was actually perfect. I didn't think it could be made any better!
Stay tuned for this weekends adventures.
Peanut xxx

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